Friday, 18 February 2011

men lie, women lie

Presenter: F40, the light is on you, get ready...Caller, you're ON

Caller: If my dates did not ask too many questions, do you think I would lie to them?

F40: Hell No! You sound like a decent person

Presenter: Poor souls...So what solution would you suggest F40?

Caller: I have met too many women who told me they were single when they were actually in relationships.

F40: I have never lied about whether I am single or not.

Caller: Me neither….but I am not ruling it out from now on…

Presenter: Caller, did you lie to your dates because you thought they would not accept you for you?

Woman in the audience: Whether you are a man or a woman, the fact is being lied to at the start of a relationship is almost inescapable…


Presenter: Does that make it right though, caller?

Caller: No. But it’s a fact of life

Presenter: Lying to a potential partner is unjustifiable…Does anyone tell the truth anymore

F40: I do….

Presenter: Well done….

F40: sometimes

NB: The presenter's suggested topics were - The Office, "Threat Level Midnight": Best Lines of the Night, Miguel Cabrera unlikely to report on time; likely needs doctor to sign off first, 'Community': What do Levar Burton and Troy have in common?, Harvey Updyke Now Well Known, Cassy Herkelman: Herkelman Wrestling Her Way Too Equality,

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