Saturday, 12 February 2011

Chit Chatting On - Football match on valentine's day

Caller: This could be my best valentine’s day ever…

J5: What do you mean?

Caller: I would love to see Fulham play Chelsea…

Presenter: ….(laughing) And your special lady wants you to wine and dine her on the same day as well…Dilemma dilemma


J5: If I were you, I would take her for a meal down the pub.

Presenter: That would create a bigger problem. I bet she wants to be taken to a fancy restaurant….

Caller: Precisely!

J5: How about treating her on the day before Valentine ’s Day. On your way from the match on valentine’s day, buy her some flowers, chocolates and her favourite lingerie….


Presenter: I have a better idea. It will be even greater if you live in a large house…Simply hide her presents somewhere in the house. Then leave her some difficult clues. By the time, she work out them out, you will probably be back from the match.


J5: Just make sure the presents will be worth all the hassle. Otherwise, the whole plan could backfire and make her VERY angry with you.

Caller: Thanks guys. Actually, I was thinking of watching the match, with her, and then take her out the weekend after valentine’s day.

Presenter: Yes! I can just imagine her excitement. She will be thrilled.


J5: Pick an argument with her, and then storm out of the house

Presenter: Go and see the match. With or without her. You can always compensate for that the following valentine's day...


J5: If I were you, I would take her for a meal down the pub.

Presenter: That would create a bigger problem. Every girl wants to be taken to a fancy restaurant on valentine's day...not a pub...


Caller: I know

J5: How about treating her on the day before valentine’s day. On your way from the match on valentine’s day, buy her some flowers, chocolates and her favourite lingerie….


Presenter: I have a better idea. It will be even greater if you live in a large house…Simply hide her presents somewhere in the house. Then leave her some clues as to the location. By the time, she work out the clues, you will probably be back from the match.


J5: Make sure the present will be worth all the hassle. Otherwise, the whole plan could backfire and make her angry.


J5: Pick an argument with her, then storm out of the house. Return after the match or the following day.

Presenter: It’s not so bad if you mess up this valentine’s for her, you could compensate for that next valentine’s day.

Caller: You call yourself a role model?

Presenter: No!


Caller: You are advising me on how to get ditched by my girlfriend

NB - Suggested topics for the chit chat were: Lady gaga born this way,van persie, fabregas

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