Friday 18 February 2011

Falling asleep on the train

Caller: It’s okay for another passenger to sleep on my shoulder on the train, but if she/he starts to drool on me, I will scream until he/she wakes up

V18: I slept like a baby on the train this evening, even though I hit my head on the window a few times


Caller: That happened to me this morning... It’s good to be woken up before you do anything embarrassing, but not in that fashion

Presenter: I fell asleep on the train but was woken up when I farted loudly.


Caller: I think it’s hilarious when people wake up themselves by falling forward


V18: Even more hilarious when the person holding a SLEEPY baby is also drifting off to sleep

Audience: AHHHHH!

V18: Caller, you must have been very tired this morning. So what were you doing last night, if you don't mind me asking?

Caller: Wish I could tell you. Sorry, but you look underage on the TV

Presenter: Presenter: I hate sleeping on the bus more than anything else on the face of the earth. The last time that happened to me, I woke up after I almost fell off the seat…..


Presenter:….then to make matters worse, I discovered that my stop was seven stops behind me


V18: Did you sustain that head injury when you fell off the seat

Presenter: I was born like thIS and I did not fall of the seat

V18: SORRY! Did you fall on your face? That would have been so funny


Caller: Next time make sure you travel with some vodka, it will keep you awake


Presenter: Thanks but no thanks. I did not say I had a problem staying awake on the train.

Caller: I will try not to fall asleep on any public transport again

V18: Please try hard

Presenter: ESPECIALLY, If you are the type who snores as the other passengers giggle quietly and point at you

V18: There are nobler ways to embarrass yourself

Caller: I know…I’ll just have to travel with my little bottle of vodka


Presenter: Under the circumstances, I would advise you to try an energy drink


Presenter: So what do you do to help if you see a fellow passenger falling asleep

V18: Ask him/her for his/her number


Caller: Encourage him/her to stand up

Presenter: He/she will probably knock you out. Some people don’t like to woken up

Caller: How about blowing a loud whistle

V18: Or just whistle loudly

NB: Once again, the caller rejects the presemter's suggested chit chat topics - bassmaster classic 2011, ricky lee kalichun, Complex Migraine Behind CBS Reporter's On-Air Health Scare, Presidents Day Weekend Free Shipping At The Disney Store, Daytona 500 Starting Lineup: Jeff Gordon, Kurt Busch Lead 2011 Pack, Auburn tree-killer the talk of Alabama,Dale Earnhardt, 10 years later: Everything changed that day, Rdio gets a new look for iPhone slacker, radiohead king of limbs mediafire and Should state employees have collective-bargaining rights?

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